Youth Leader and Group Facilitators Training
12 April 2023
Divorce Counselling
4 September 2023Name of Training Course: Bereavement Counselling for children and teenagers
CPD: Previously we received 4 CPD points from SACSSPS. Please check with the service provider by contacting admin@factnetwork.co.za the current number of CPD for the year you are registering. We re-apply for CPD points on a yearly basis and the number of points allocated may differ from year to year.
Cost: Please contact our office for a detailed outline of the cost for this training course.
Duration: This is a dual training medium course whereby delegates watch recorded sessions on the online platform, do additional reading and attend in-person and or virtual consultations with the course facilitator.
Despite the context in which social workers might be working, they get confronted with children or families that face bereavement. Within the current Covid-19 pandemic the number of children confronted with death and bereavement has dramatically increased. Social workers therefore need to understand the impact of death and bereavement on children and be equipped with creative ways to help children make sense of these experiences.
Theoretical Discussion:
- Understanding the impact of death and bereavement on the child
- Needs of children during bereavement (different developmental phases)
- Role of the social worker in working with children who have experience loss, death, and bereavement.
- Focus of bereavement therapy with children.
Ethical Discussion:
- Ethical considerations when working with children going through bereavement. The importance of clarifying and respecting the religious beliefs of the client.
Skill development:
Short demonstration / video of practical technique that can be used to explain death to children in a child friendly manner.
Who this course is for: Social workers, psychologist, and registered counsellors.
COPY RIGHT ALERT: All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Failure to adhere to copy right is an offence and constitutes theft of intellectual property.