Mandated Reporting & Sexual Abuse: From Legislation to Practice
22 October 2023Comprehensive Foster Parent Training
22 October 2023Assessment of Toddlers and Children with Developmental Delays
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Duration of the training: 2 ½  hours
Toddlers find themselves in a unique developmental phase that brings with it several challenges in terms of communication, memory, suggestibility, and their interpretation of the world around them. Professionals working with toddlers and/or children with developmental delays often approach the assessment of these children in the same manner as they would older children, ending up frustrated with limited information and often wrong interpretations.
This course offers the delegate with an in depth look at the latest research regarding children with developmental delays and toddler development and the practical implication thereof for assessment. The following topics are covered:
- A look at latest research regarding pre-operational development
- Memory and suggestibility of toddlers
- Language ability of toddlers
- Literature and research on assessment of toddlers
- Practical implications for assessment and pitfalls
- Understanding the child with developmental delays
- Literature and research on assessment of children with developmental delays
- Planning the process
- Theoretical foundation for the process
- Making contact with the child
- Competency assessment and observational screening of certain developmental aspects
- A developmentally sensitive structured interview
- Use of projective techniques suitable for the toddler or child with developmental delays
- Interactional analysis as part of a thorough assessment process
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