Mandated Reporting & Sexual Abuse: From Legislation to Practice
22 October 2023Comprehensive Foster Parent Training
22 October 2023Attachment in Adoption
Out of stock
CPD: Â Not registered
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
The course aims to equip professionals working in the field of adoption (placement and therapy) to understand the unique dynamics of attachment in adoption and how to offer pro-active service delivery to ensure the facilitation of secure attachment in these cases. The course will further enable professionals working with adult clients both adopters and adoptive parents to effectively support them and address psycho-social issues stemming from adoption in therapy. This course offers the delegate with a sound theoretical basis to understand attachment and related issues with the adoptive child. The following topics are covered:
- Defining attachment
- Overview of theory that underlines attachment and the formation of attachment
- Neurobiology of attachment (specifically in this context)
- Summary of the different attachment styles
- Factors that influence the formation of secure attachment
- High risk factors relating to the adopted child
- Guidelines for pro-active service delivery to the adoptive child and adoptive family
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