Socio-Emotional Assessment of Children (Part 2)
22 October 2023Nurturing Attachments Through Therapeutic Parenting
22 October 2023Introduction to Attachment and the Emotional Needs of Children
Duration of the training: 2 ½  hours
CPD: Please note that FACT is in the process of applying for CPD points with the SACSSPS & ASCHP& SAAP. However, we are still awaiting feedback from the various councils on the specific requirements and at this point cannot guarantee any CPD points until confirmation form the CPD Panel. Social Workers can however in the meantime keep the certificate of successful completion on your CPD Portfolio as it will be acknowledged by  SACSSPS for CPD points when being audited.
Cost: R350
Introduction: Introduction to Attachment and the Emotional Needs of Children.
Understanding attachment and the emotional needs of children is imperative for any professional working with children and families. In this short course we will be discussing the various emotional needs of children and practical hands on ways in which parents can meet these needs. We discuss the link between the emotional needs of children and the formation of secure attachment and then venture into deconstructing the definition of attachment. Delegates will receive a sound theoretical understanding of attachment, the different attachment styles or styles of relating and how these influence the child’s internal working model and subsequent behaviour. Broad outline of relevant factors to consider when evaluating attachment is also discussed.
Who this course is for: Â Social Workers, Psychologist, Play Therapist and Registered Counsellors.
COPY RIGHTÂ ALERT: All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Failure to adhere to copy right is an offence and constitutes theft of intellectual property
Duration of the training: 2 ½  hours
Understanding attachment and the emotional needs of children is imperative for any professional working with children and families. In this short course we will be discussing the various emotional needs of children and practical hands on ways in which parents can meet these needs. We discuss the link between the emotional needs of children and the formation of secure attachment and then venture into deconstructing the definition of attachment. Delegates will receive a sound theoretical understanding of attachment, the different attachment styles or styles of relating and how these influence the child’s internal working model and subsequent behaviour. Broad outline of relevant factors to consider when evaluating attachment is also discussed.
COPY RIGHTÂ ALERT: All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Failure to adhere to copy right is an offence and constitutes theft of intellectual property